The gifted and talented (GT) program at Blackshear strives to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in the program and provide GT students with what they need to be motivated and challenged.
For students to be identified for the GT program:
- Parents must fill out a nomination form and testing survey sent home by their student's teacher.
- The Cognitive Abilities test is rigorous and intended to estimate students' learned reasoning and problem-solving abilities through a battery of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal test items.
- Students must also complete a pre-specified project at home and will take a test in class administered by their teacher.
- We recommend that the parents/guardians DO NOT intefere with the completion of this project, unless providing basic resources.
All of these items together will formulate a score which the GT committee at Blackshear will carefully review to determine placement or non-placement.
Students who qualify for the GT program meet with Mr. Lockhart, Ms. Foreman or Ms. Lopez-Gomez once a week for 45 minutes.
For more information on programming and qualifying for the G/T program,
please contact Ms. Lopez at julissa.lopez@austinisd.org or at 512-414-2021.